The bank data

Repeated data, information intersection, homonymy? Among others, they are likely to be elements that your bank has to deal with frequently.

5 principles for choosing valuable data for your banking product.

Data management is your main ally.

This white paper aims to help establish basic pillars for executing a data management strategy, to aim at the hyperpersonalization of banking products, after giving their real value to user consent information.

We invite you to download it and find the best strategy for using this data to continue growing.

Fill in your details to download it:

In accordance with Law No. 18,331, Decree 414/09, art. 37a 40 of Law 19,670 and Decree 64/20 on Personal Data Protection and Habeas Data Action, I declare that I voluntarily provide my personal data, and that they can be used, stored and processed for broad commercial purposes for the best performance of their services. If you don't want to be a part of the database, send an email asking to delete it to