
Years of experience
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millions of customers loving their banks


millions of transactions


Countries in Latam and the Caribbean


successful implementations
we are specialists

At Infocorp, we specialize in Digital Banking

Through our suite IC Banking, we provide banks with agile and flexible solutions to help them enhance their customer experience.

+40 banks trust us

Banco Bisa
Banco BFP
Banco Internacional
Banco de Bogotá
Banco Aliado
Banco Comafi
Banco Caribe
Banco Santander
Banco BCI
Banco BCT
Banco General
Banco Caja de Ahorros
Banco BDF
Banco Bisa
Banco BFP
Banco Internacional
Banco de Bogotá
Banco Aliado
Banco Comafi
Banco Caribe
Banco Santander
Banco BCI
Banco BCT
Banco General
Banco Caja de Ahorros
Banco BDF
Banco Cuscatlan
Banco Ficohsa
G&T Continental
First Bank
Global Bank
Grupo Avala
Metro Bank
Mercantil Santa Cruz
Banco Lafise
Republic Bank
Banco Cuscatlan
Banco Ficohsa
G&T Continental
First Bank
Global Bank
Grupo Avala
Metro Bank
Mercantil Santa Cruz
Banco Lafise
Republic Bank

Our method

We design, implement and develop products in solid connection with customers, understanding that it is the only way to achieve a true impact on their business.
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A five-pillar based methodology that allows for a perfect balance between products and customization, and between solidity and evolution.

We are all products

A horizontal and democratic process without silos, where everyone’s contribution generates exceptional results for each customer.

Dynamic projects

We form teams according to the needs of the project, assigning experts at different points in the process. We prioritize talent and results over areas or functions.

Tomorrow is today

We analyze technological advances, the global financial ecosystem and legal issues and proactively propose innovative solutions.


This is how those who know us talk about us. Now it's your turn!

Faced with the need to open 230,000 accounts in a month for the distribution of subsidies, our infrastructure was not ready for that volume. Infocorp reacted quickly, making the necessary adjustments to overcome the challenge in a short time.
With SARA, Ficohsa revolutionized digital banking, providing an agile, accessible and secure service through social networks. The adoption of WhatsApp allowed a 200% growth in active customers and a 160% increase in transactions, improving user experience and loyalty.
Working with Banco Comafi allowed us transform your digital platform into a simpler, more agile and secure channel. From improving everyday banking to adding prequalified loans, MEP dollars and security advances such as biometrics and tokenization, each innovation elevated the customer experience and strengthened trust in their operations.
We want to know you

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